Case Study: Image Processing based Chewing Detection & Analytics Application Development

This is our IP, which takes streams from the front face camera and not only detects the chewing but also counts chewing and provides aggregated rate. The Engibrains team developed a chewing algorithm from scratch.

chewing main 1

Key Highlights


Innovative Chewing Detection Algorithm


Customized TensorFlow Model


Data-Driven Approach

| Engibrains’ Contribution

Segments We Worked On


  • Development of chewing detection algorithm from scratch
  • The dataset was meticulously annotated to train the TensorFlow-based model effectively
  • Validating the model’s performance on different scenarios and datasets.


  • Functional Testing: chewing detection and counting were accurate under various conditions
  • Performance Testing: identify potential bottlenecks and areas for optimization

| Technologies Used

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  • Python
  • Tkinter

Platform OS

  • X86


  • TensorFlow

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