Case Study: Capsense SoC Benchmarking data measurement Solution

The objective of the solution is to build demo kit for low power, good SNR, high touch sensitivity capability of Capsense SoC platform in various tradeshows for the potential customer. It is required to have a out of box custom HW+SW solution which can measure and display current consumption, voltage, SNR of the touch sensors and its liquid tolerance.

volt meter main

Key Highlights


Firmware dev. for PSoC 4000T EVK's low power modes


PC app for custom HW data over USB


GUI for current, voltage, SNR, & touch heatmap


Pelican Box demo solution with informative leaflets

| Engibrains’ Contribution

Segments We Worked On

Firmware / GUI

  • Firmware development of CapSense EVK to jump between low power modes
  • PC application development for custom HW data(voltage/current) over USB
  • GUI development for current, voltage, SNR, & touch heatmap along with graph

QA / Proto Production

  • Proto batch production
  • Functional & regression testing of PC application
  • Pelican Box ready solution contains all HW & leaflet materials for out of box demo solution.

| Technologies Used

Our Tech Stack will reduce your risk


  • C
  • C++
  • QT designer

OS & Tools

  • ModusToolbox
  • Eclipse


  • USB
  • SPI
  • BLE

QA Tools

  • Digital Oscilloscope
  • High-end DMM
  • Hot Air Rework Station
  • Thermal Camera
  • Digital Microscope
  • High Precision Current Probe

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